Real Estate ISAs: Convince Sellers to Sell this Winter


Real Estate ISAs: Convince Sellers to Sell this Winter

If you are a real estate agent or an inside sales agent then you have heard this objection from sellers many times: “I want to wait until spring to list my house.” This time of year, especially, many—if not most—sellers would prefer to wait until winter is over before they even think about selling their home.

That spring is the best time to sell is a ubiquitous idea in the home-selling world. And it is not necessarily wrong—the spring has a large number of buyers, more demand from people looking to get into their new home before school starts in the fall, sellers often feel their homes look more appealing in the spring and summer, and, in colder climates, the weather itself is easier for buyers to deal with.

But are the spring and summer the only times to sell, or even the best times to sell?

Understand Their Perspective, Process, and Desired Outcome

As an agent or ISA, this objection can be difficult to deal with. There are many advantages to selling in spring, and the idea is so entrenched among the general population that it can be tough to convince them otherwise on the phone or during an appointment.

But no matter how prevalent and persistent this objection may be, you deal with it in the same way that you deal with any objection: understand the potential client’s perspective, process, and desired outcome.

The lead’s perspective is their past experience, knowledge and speculation. Examples of perspectives that may lead to objections are “I’ve sold my home myself before”, “I’ve already met with an agent”, and “I can do what an agent does, you guys don’t do much.”

The lead’s process is their own plan that they have for their situation. Examples of a process is “I’m going to sell my home myself”, “I’ll just use the agent I used before”, or “I am just going to wait until spring to sell my home and get a better deal”. The process is typically what will lead to an objection. They have their plan and you are not a part of it in their mind, so they turn you down.

And finally, the outcome. This is the unique result or benefit the lead believes their process will deliver for them. Examples of these are “not wasting time”, “avoiding disappointment”, and “proving to my neighbors or real estate agents or to the world that I am right”.

There Are Advantages to Selling in Winter, Too

Your first job as a real estate inside sales agent or outside agent is to understand what your potential client is seeking to accomplish, and how they think they are going to accomplish it. Next, your job is to determine whether their outcome will better or more easily accomplished if they list their home now (in the winter) rather than waiting four months until spring arrives.

To do this, you have to let the lead know that there are also clear advantages to listing their home in the winter that may be beneficial to them in light of their goals. Here are three reasons for sellers to list their homes in the winter:

  1. Less Competition – Because most sellers wait until the spring to list their homes, there are fewer homes on the market, which means less competition from other sellers. Additionally, the low inventory can create increase competition among buyers, which generally result in higher sale prices.
  2. Winter Brings Serious Buyers – Similar to why there is less competition in winter, this season draws out the serious buyers because most buyers think it is best to wait until spring to check out the market. The ones who do come out do so because they are serious and cannot wait until spring to purchase a home. These are not window shoppers, but motivated buyers who want to take advantage of the less competitive market and get their hands on their ideal home.
  3. You Can Highlight the Winter Side of Your Home – Show off your home’s winter-readiness. Have the fire going, showcase the hot tub, highlight the design and features that will make their life easier during winter, like an easy-to-shovel driveway, new roof and furnace, south-facing windows, and well-insulated pipes, among other things. These features, however simple, will show that your home can handle the harsh elements.


As a real estate agent or inside sales agent, your job is to try to produce the best possible outcome for your client. To do this, you first have to get to the heart of what their desired outcome is. Once you understand that, you then have to determine yourself if you think it would make sense for them to not wait until spring, given their desired outcome. If you think it makes sense, your next job is to convince them.

There are great reasons to sell in the spring, but there are also great reasons to sell in the winter. Understand their perspective, process, and desired outcome and then thoughtfully explain to them why it would be advantageous for them to not wait. That is how you will convince sellers to list this winter.  

Real Estate Inside Sales Agent Objection: “I don’t know the process”

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ISA Call Review: Get to The Critical Issue for The Lead

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ISA Group Roleplay: Here Is What A Successful Call Looks Like

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Have You Heard About The Amazing 3-Step Strategy That Revives “Dead Leads”? Grab your seat to Smart Inside Sales Masterclass to discover more, plus the steps you need to revive, reconnect and convert more leads.

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ISA Group Roleplay: Match Yourself With The Lead

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Have You Heard About The Amazing 3-Step Strategy That Revives “Dead Leads”? Grab your seat to Smart Inside Sales Masterclass to discover more, plus the steps you need to revive, reconnect and convert more leads.

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ISA Call Review: Don’t Give Yourself An Assignment

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Have You Heard About The Amazing 3-Step Strategy That Revives “Dead Leads”? Grab your seat to Smart Inside Sales Masterclass to discover more, plus the steps you need to revive, reconnect and convert more leads.

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ISA Group Roleplay Video: “I don’t feel like going through it again”

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Today’s roleplay group deals with expired sellers who are just tired of the process and don’t feel like going through everything again. Maybe their house was on the market for a long time or a few different times and they are done with it.

These leads still have their goals and still have their process. The problem is, all they see is a huge distance between where they are at and the outcome they want to achieve. Your mission as an ISA is to get them back on the horse and convince them you can get them results.

Have You Heard About The Amazing 3-Step Strategy That Revives “Dead Leads”? Grab your seat to Smart Inside Sales Masterclass to discover more, plus the steps you need to revive, reconnect and convert more leads.

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4 Reasons Real Estate ISAs Fail

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real estate ISAs

4 Reasons Real Estate ISAs Fail

You’re going to reach a point with your real estate business when you’ll have to hire more people. This is just a fact. You’re going to be so busy actually running the business and your real estate team, that you will need people to take some of the tasks off of your plate.

And if you are intent on growing your business even more, then one of these critical tasks is consistent lead generation. You have to hire people who can consistently supply a steady stream of quality leads. These people are called inside sales agents (ISAs). A good inside sales agent is a highly effective and accountable salesperson who prospects, follows up with leads, nurtures leads, and sets appointments.

Building an Inside Sales Team Is Tough

Hiring and maintaining a successful inside sales team can be tough. Just like with outside agents, the real estate industry is tough and has a high attrition rate for inside sales agents as well.

To start, it can be hard to feel comfortable passing off some of the responsibility that you have been shouldering. This is your business or your team—something that you have poured hours of work, sweat and tears into. This produces a bit of reservation when it comes time to let someone else track down and follow up on leads in your name.

And then how do you hire the right people, and then properly set them up for success? Both of these aspects of building a successful real estate inside sales team can be stressful and intimidating if you do not have much experience doing it. And they are why many team leaders find it difficult to develop effective inside sales agents.

To help you build your real estate team, below are four common reasons why ISAs often fail.

#1 You Didn’t Hire an Actual ISA

As I mention in another post of mine, 7 Strategies To Build An Inside Sales Team, extensively evaluating your inside sales candidates during the hiring process is key. More important than hiring someone whose resume says they have a lot of real estate inside sales experience is hiring someone who can have effective sales conversations on the phone.

The most important skill your ISA needs is to be able to persuade people to take action through their conversations. If they can’t do that, if they aren’t motivated and energized by having sales conversations on the phone, then they are going to quickly lose confidence, have call reluctance, and most likely eventually fail.

#2 There Aren’t Clear Expectations or Accountability

Clear expectations and transparent means of measuring progress towards those expectations are both critically important. Inside sales agents and inside sales teams are relatively new phenomena in the real estate industry and so are the expectations and requirements that come along with them. And if you, as the team leader or business owner, don’t know what is expected of your ISA, it’s hard to think they will either.

Your ISA needs daily, weekly, and monthly goals and expectations. This means tracking things like number of dials made, number of contacts made, contact to appointment ratio, number of appointments set vs. appointments converted—and having benchmarks for where the ISA should be with each of them at each time mark.

If you can’t clearly express what is expected of your inside sales agents, then they will fail.

#3 Poor Lead Sources

Your ISA needs sources where they can find solid, quality leads. You can’t expect them to generate leads out thin air. All lead sources are the not the same and so should be worked in a specific order, depending on different factors like the size of your real estate team, and how much bandwidth your team has.

These lead sources should be worked in the following order, from top to bottom:

  • All inbound leads
  • Inbound referral leads
  • Expireds, withdrawns, FSBO leads
  • Past client sphere leads
  • Circle prospecting (If this is in support of a farming strategy or if the ISA has NO ONE ELSE to call)

The key is to correctly prioritize the lead sources and determine which ISAs should be cross-trained to work all lead sources. Start the less experienced on the lower end of the list and then progress their skills up to working the most valuable leads.

If you sufficiently train them on how to prioritize and work the different lead sources, your inside sales agent will be much less likely to fail.

#4 Lack of an Environment Conducive to Success

Many ISAs will fail because the company environment and culture is not encouraging their success. Many people have false ideas in their heads about what it means to do lead generation, make phone calls, and close sales. You need to replace these ideas and perceptions positive stories and inspiration.

If your sales person has good stories in their head—if doing those activities that lead to production have a positive connotation—they will be unstoppable. If they have negative stories in their head about lead generation, setting appointments, and what those things mean about them as a sales person, then no matter what you do or say, they won’t lead generate.

Emphasize that being productive, being creative, and connecting people with products that help them are how they create value for themselves and get them closer to the life they want to live, in addition to creating value for clients.

Set Your Team Up for Success

Hiring and maintaining a successful real estate inside sales team is not easy. But if you can avoid the pitfalls described above, you will develop a strong team that grows your business by leaps and bounds. The key is to make sure that, in every instance, you are working to set your ISAs up for success.

ISA Group Roleplay Video: “I heard there are no good houses until Spring”

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Have You Heard About The Amazing 3-Step Strategy That Revives “Dead Leads”? Grab your seat to Smart Inside Sales Masterclass to discover more, plus the steps you need to revive, reconnect and convert more leads.

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ISA Call Review: “The hardest part is getting them on the phone”

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